Holistic therapy, coaching, energy release, and yoga

What happened to you is not your fault. However, it is your responsibility to heal yourself. Ready?

Currently, there is a registration stop. I'm unfortunately not taking on new clients.

Treatment options


In therapy we investigate the influence of your thoughts and behavior on how you feel. You will find out how in your life (through upbringing, experiences, but also transferred trauma) you have learned to behave the way you do and to think as you think. This awareness and understanding aids in the process of letting go of beliefs and behaviors that were once functional for your survival, but are currently outdated. This gives space to be your authentic self, peeling off layers and masks of protection. I work from a body oriented and holistic perspective and use methods such as Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP), body work, imaginary exposure and rescripting, mindfulness, polyvagal theory, cognitive behavioral therapy, inner child work, and elements of schema therapy.

Learning to feel safe

Are you easily stressed, is your quality of sleep low, do you feel defensive often, have difficulty concentrating, or often feel sad and tired? Chances are high that your nervous system became dysregulated over time. The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) from dr. Stephen Porges is a 5-hour listening program developed to help your nervous system move from a chronic state of defense to a base of safety. From this safe state it is easy to connect to yourself and other people, to shift between deep rest or sharp focus, and to live more from a sense of freedom. SSP also has proven efficacy in aiding regulation of emotions and stress, tinnitus, difficulties in processing speech and hearing, misophonia, chronic pain, and sensory sensitivity. Follow the YouTube icon for a clear explanation about Polyvagal theory (the theory SSP is built upon):


Body and mind are always connected. Both can therefore be chosen as a starting point to work on yourself. For example, do you feel burned out and notice that you do not feel or easily ignore signals from your body? Or do you feel that you have little connection with your emotions? Through private yin yoga classes (traumasensitive) I can help you restore the connection with your body, so that you can hear and understand your body's messages again.


In order to make room for the best version of yourself (which is already there, hidden under layers of protection), it is necessary to let go of everything else. This is considerably easier and goes faster if you regularly allow yourself time to pause and to learn to observe yourself without judgment. As you become familiar with this process, you will find that your thoughts let go of you more easily and you automatically create space for more positive thoughts and intentions. If you do not yet have a fixed meditation routine, meditation will be offered in all treatments as an additional technique to allow you to benefit optimally. This can be mindfulness, vipassana, but also breath work, autohypnosis or body oriented meditation.

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Work with me?

Are you curious to find out if Inner Work Therapy suits you? You can schedule a free, no-obligation Zoom or telephone call. We will investigate together what you are dealing with and whether it fits in with the range of Inner Work Therapy. And you can sense if you feel comfortable with me, of course. I reserve 20 minutes of my time for this.

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