Holistic therapy, coaching, energy release, and yoga

Hi! Be welcome.

I'm glad that you are thinking of seriously committing to lifting your development to a higher level. My name is Fanny Hakstege, based in lively Amsterdam, and I am a psychologist, coach, SSP- and holistic therapist, and yin yoga teacher. In 2017 I graduated from the master's degree in Clinical and Health Psychology at Utrecht University with honors. After this I gained various work experience as a researcher, in a forensic psychiatric clinic, as well as in regular mental health care. I have an insatiable hunger for learning, therefore I continue to add to my specializations, specifically in the field of body oriented trauma therapy and nervous system functioning. My vision on care is that I approach you from a holistic perspective, because from my work experience - and also my own life experiences - I have experienced how body, mind and soul are inextricably linked. In order to reconnect to your authentic self, in which you know ánd feel that you are good enough, you will need to process, let go of and integrate everything that forms resistance to this. An important part of this resistance consists of your limiting beliefs, which you have formed on the basis of your upbringing and the experiences you have gone through. From there you started living according to these beliefs, protecting yourself and getting less in touch with who you really are. Your body became more armoured over time, and this has built walls hindering authentic connection to yourself and the world around you. Of utmost importance in the therapeutical process of peeling your walls, is that this happens from a safe, warm, and grounded base. Safe within yourself, as well as with me. I'd be honored to stand beside you on your way back home.

I live my life and approach my work with the following core values: authenticity, autonomy, intuition, and genuineness. In therapy, I am your mirror (Human Design Reflector): do you dare to look into what feels unseen?

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