Holistic therapy, coaching, energy release, and yoga


Below you will find my range of services. In order to be able to work holistically, body oriented, and without being tied to labels and rules from regular mental health care, these are not reimbursed by the health insurer. During the first contact we can also look together at which care suits you best.

Currently, there is a registration stop. I'm unfortunately not taking on new clients.

Investing in yourself.

A life long present.


In the intake session we will investigate the holistic connections between your symptoms, what you have been through, and your current circumstances. I will ask about your upbringing and we together will learn to understand what survival strategies you have developed over time to keep yourself safe. From your symptoms, you determine what you would like to be different, we examine how to work towards this, and determine whether Inner Work Therapy is a good fit for your process.

Duration: 60-75 minutes
Investment: 108 euros*


I am currently not taking on new clients for therapy. I do have space for SSP trajectories (last updated Jan 4, 2024).

The path of the alchemist. Are you ready to turn your pain into gold? In therapy I help you gain insight in the roots of your feelings, thoughts and behavior. Your awareness will expand, allowing you to get to know yourself better. I offer you a safe haven, creating space to process everything hindering you from learning to accept yourself as you are. So you can start navigating the world as your most autonomous and authentic self. The amount of therapy needed is dependent on the complexity of your symptoms + your willingness to take full responsibility for your own process.

Duration: 60-75 minutes
Investment: 103 euros*

SSP + trauma therapy

The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) will teach your body and nervous system what it means to feel safe and regulated. This base of safety will be anchored again in your body. Creating space for opening up the door to whatever is still stuck. Read the information below for how this works. During SSP there is room for trauma processing, which I will guide you through. This SSP package includes a follow up and check-ins through WhatsApp when necessary.

Duration: depending on the guidance you need while listening to SSP core (5 hours). The best division of these hours differs per person and is arranged in consultation with me. The average amount of the trajectory is 1-4 weeks.
Investment: 500 euros (may be paid in 2 installments)*

*For individuals, the cost for therapy sessions is VAT-free. For companies, there is a VAT addition of 21%. Is your trajectory paid for by work? The business rate is 115 euros per session excl. VAT. Oftentimes, organizations offer a personal budget to their employees, which may be spent on coaching. Inform your employer about options.

Appointments can be canceled (via telephone, text or e-mail) without cost up until 24 hours before the appointment time. If canceled later, 50% of the session cost will be charged. If there is a no-show without prior notice, the session cost will be charged in full.

What exactly is the Safe and Sound Protocol?


Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) is an evidence based listening therapy that enables a dysregulated nervous system to recover. SSP helps your body return to a state of safety. In SSP you listen to filtered music, which impacts your vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is the main nerve of the parasympathetic nervous system, which is part of the autonomic nervous system. Our autonomic nervous system works automatically and without awareness and brings our body into one of three possible states:

Ventral vagal part. When this part is activated, you feel safe, connect to yourself and others, and are able to explore the world from a place of curiosity and playfulness. It is easy to relax, which allows space for the digestive system to work properly.

Sympathetic part: fight or flight. When this part is activated, you feel stressed and tense. Your body (un)consciously registers danger. Autonomic functions are working hard and increase heart rate and respiration, perspiration, and defensive responses. This comes in very useful when in real danger. However, dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system can cause a chronic sympathetic state. From this place it is hard to relax, as the body is on constant alert.

Dorsal vagal part: freeze. When this part is activated, your body is giving up. It is fed up with the fighting of the sympathetic state and retreats to a state of withdrawal. In this state you feel tired, sad, unmotivated, and lethargic. In this case, dysregulation can also lead to a chronic state where it for example can cause feelings of depression.

But how?

You listen to SSP (Core) through over ear headphones. The music you listen to trains the middle ear muscles to become more sensitive to cues of safety. This occurs by the music being filtered in such a way that it makes you more sensitive for hearing the frequencies of human voice. These cues of safety becoming more accessible to you cause you to enter into the ventral vagal part of your nervous system more easily (through 2 cranial nerves associated with social behavior). This allows you to feel safe and socially connected within your environment. Because this state becomes stronger and more accessible to you, you will recognize it more easily whenever your nervous system turns to a sympathetic or dorsal vagal state. From this awareness and the self-regulation tools that you obtain in the guidance of SSP, you learn to regulate yourself back to safety. After completion of the SSP Core program, I offer you the opportunity to listen to SSP Balance for a month without cost to sustain the effects.

Want to read more?

Read on through this website: https://integratedlistening.com/products/ssp-safe-sound-protocol/.

Travel cost

The therapy takes place in the comfort of your own home, in a public space (e.g. park or cafe), online or a hybrid of these. In case you would like to receive therapy at home, I will not charge extra travel cost for travel time up to 30 minutes in total (15 minutes back and forth from 1079 Amsterdam). For travel time longer than 30 minutes, I charge 1,50 euros (incl. VAT) per minute. Do you live outside of Amsterdam and would you like to have therapy at home? Inquire about cost.

Other services

  • Coaching. Business/career coaching, career counseling, coaching for entrepreneurs, or personal coaching. Oftentimes, it is possible for your employer to pay for this from your personal budget. Ask them about possibilities.
  • Individual yin yoga lessons (traumasensitive). Inquire about the possibilities.
  • I record free meditations, can be listened to through the app Insight Timer. This app can be found in your App store. Find me here.

Interested? Let's meet up.

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